Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Paseo Arts District, Oklahoma City

This is the Galileo, a sort of trendy place for bohemian-types and artists, located in the Paseo Arts District of Oklahoma City. The Paseo District is actually just one peculiar little street with some quite out-of-place Spanish-style architecture and very colorful buildings. It is definitely not "West Hollywood" cool.. it's much more underground-counterculture cool. If you see the area, you may initially not be so impressed. But substantively, it's very fun. Galileo is a unique and interesting place with great food although sometimes rather slow service..

My personal favorite...Isis! This "cocktail lounge" is next door to the Galileo. It has a very charming amosphere. Low lighting, a parachute on the ceiling behind which there are some glowy lights.. Various cushy sofas and armchairs, curtained off little nooks, pillows on the floor.. It is an intimate little lounge. Quite stellar, in my opinion...

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